pytexmex package


pytexmex.core module

This submodule focuses on computing the Poisson-lognormal probability mass function. It’s a moderately complicated integral that requires some finesse. More on the math page.

pytexmex.core.poilog_cdf(ns, mu, sigma, trunc=True)

Cumulative distribution function

ns: sequence of integers
number of counts for each sequence
mu, sigma: float
poilog distribution parameters
trunc: bool
poilog distribution parameter

returns: list of floats

pytexmex.core.poilog_exp_integrand(x, n, mu, sigma)

The part of the poilog integral that is inside the exponent.

pytexmex.core.poilog_exp_integrand_max(n, mu, sigma)

Find the maximum value and position of the exponential part of the integrand.

Returns: (float, float)
The position and value of the maximum
pytexmex.core.poilog_fit(ns, trunc=True, x0=None, full_output=False)

Maximum likelihood estimation fit

x0: (float, float)
The starting mu and sigma for the MLE optimization. If None, then a guess will be supplied.
full_output: bool
If True, then also return the OptimizeResult object
Returns: (float, float) or (float, float, OptimizeResult)
Optimal mu and sigma (and optionally the rest of the data)
pytexmex.core.poilog_ll(ns, mu, sigma, trunc=True, threshold=1e-120)

Log likelihood of a list of counts

pytexmex.core.poilog_pmf(n, mu, sigma, trunc=True)

Probability mass function (with optional zero truncation)

pytexmex.core.poilog_pmf_notrunc(n, mu, sigma)

Probability mass function without truncation

pytexmex.core.poilog_upper_bound(n, mu, sigma, fold=1e-09, guess=1.0, guess_multiplier=2.0)

Pick a reasonable upper bound for the poilog integral. Start at the place where the integrand is maximized, then go out until the integrand falls to some fold of its maximum value.

returns: float

pytexmex.helpers module

This submodule focuses on front-end user functions.

pytexmex.helpers.f_transform_sample(ns, trunc=True)

Transform a list of counts into their F values

Returns: list of floats

pytexmex.helpers.f_transform_table(table, trunc=True)

Transform an OTU table in a table of F values. OTU tables have samples on the columns and OTUs on the rows.

table: pandas.DataFrame

returns: pandas.DataFrame

pytexmex.helpers.pp_plot_data(ns, trunc=True)

Generate data for visualizing the quality of the poilog fit. One day I should use scipy’s scipy.stats.probplot for this (which would require writing a poilog distribution).

ns : list of floats

returns: (list of floats, list of floats)
the empirical and theoretical cdf values, going from 0 up to the maximum of the input ns
pytexmex.helpers.read_otu_table(fn, transpose=False)

Read an OTU table from a filename (or filehandle). It expects to have OTUs on the rows and samples on the columns (i.e., QIIME style). If the table is wider than long, a warning will be issued.

transpose: bool
transpose the table

returns: pandas.DataFrame

pytexmex.helpers.z_transform_sample(ns, trunc=True)

Transform a list of counts into their z values

Returns: np.array

pytexmex.helpers.z_transform_table(table, trunc=True)

Transform an OTU table in a table of z values. OTU tables have samples on the columns and OTUs on the rows.

table: pandas.DataFrame

returns: pandas.DataFrame

Module contents